It was time to pull the rhubarb again and put it into the freezer. When the snow swirls about the eaves this winter, it will be mighty nice to put some rhubarb into a custard pie, or stew it . . so yummy with a slice of buttered, homemade bread!
Opening the shed to put the pile of rhubarb leaves into the green bin, who should I see but Jumpy the Frog ‘glued’ to the inside edge of the door. Yikes! I managed not to scream, but left the doors ajar and skidaddled into the house for the camera. Jumpy obliged, waiting patiently for his photo op. By the time I checked on the computer to see if the shots turned out, he had taken off for dear knows where. But it was good to have the little scamp back at Cedar Hollow! I guess he has forgiven me for the times I opened the shed doors too quickly and he landed kerplop on the hard patio! Not exactly his favourite way of saying Good morning!
See folks? There’s nothing to it, declared Lady Wren, as she stepped gingerly onto the gangplank leading into the Swiss Chalet. She is certainly taking good care of her babies, let me assure you.
If I thought Bounce the Hummer was slighting my patches of bee balm, I had misjudged him. First off this morning, though, he had a quick draft of hosta lily nectar. Just look at all of the jugs preparing sweet things for him in the coming days.
Then Bounce was off to one of the bee balm patches. He seemed as happy as a kid in a candy store! Each petal is part of the juice fountain, and holds its lid up high, offering self-serve, fresh strawberry punch from exquisite goblets! Talk about afternoon tea in the garden, folks . . . it doesn’t get any better than this!