Checking whether the baby wrens were doing any chattering yet . . . or more like it . . . yelling for more food, I climbed the knoll and listened beneath Swiss Chalet. All was quiet. I know what baby chickadees sound like in a nest, but have never heard baby wrens, have you?
It’s plain to see how much Lord and Lady Wren love their babies. They’ve added more fortifications to the barricade at their front door!
This plaque hangs on the fence between two wall pots of white-throated purple petunias near our picnic table.
The big trend these days is for outdoor living. Folks are expanding their decks, buying bigger and fancier BBQ’s, getting outdoor sofas, firepits, screened in rooms, you name it. Provided they can leave their electronic tablets and Smart phones indoors, they will discover something awesome! That birds sing the most heavenly songs, that bees drone while they work, and that breezes whisper.
Maybe they’ll take time to inhale the exquisite perfume of the lilies that have been working underground all year to now put in their appearance, brightening the garden.
I can tell you one thing. Lord Wren will look you straight in the eye and tell you you’re doing the right thing by spending more time in God’s good outdoors . . . time to observe butterflies zig-zagging, gold finches and chickadees dip-diving . . . wrens zip-zipping! Time to attune your ears to cheerful melodies from songsters who have come from distant southern climes to sing-g-g-g just for you! And they don’t act like tourists. Why, some will pitch right in and help with the gardening, eating destructive insects . . . chomping ones, sucking ones, disgusting ones!