Could anything possibly fascinate a child more than stars?
I’ll never forget seeing the Star of the East move across the darkened ceiling of our little country church one Christmas. Three young men in regal apparel, with shiny gifts in their hands, slowly followed that marvellous star, singing “We Three Kings.” I felt like it was actually happening! (Little did I know, as a youngster, that it was just the beam of a flashlight!)
Hoping to share the wonder of that night with other little people, I pulled together a similar enactment when our seniors were asked to participate in this year’s Christmas program.
The afflictions of old age narrowed the possibilities down to three candidates, and, thankfully, each of them was willing to participate. Their wives did a stunning job of wrapping their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The words of the Carol were affixed to the back of the gifts so they didn’t have to memorize them.
Lloyd patiently sat still while I pulled a stocking cap on his head to form the base for a turban fashioned out of flashy scarves from the thrift store. A strand of pearls adorned one turban, and others were bejewelled with glitzy earrings and gold chains. Two of the men found housecoats at the thrift store that suited their girth, and one rounded up a pair of sandals.
A practise session was held a few evenings before the program took place. We had a capable pianist. A young technical man rigged up a striking star that he could move along on a cable high above the auditorium.
On the evening of the concert, the auditorium lights were dimmed. The pianist began the introduction. The regally apparelled men sang the ancient words together as they advanced, following the dazzling star. By the time the seniors got to the front, one of them, who had a hearing impairment, could not remember which verse they were on, and wasn’t able to hear the wise man next to him, so he began singing the verse about gold all over again! The others could do nothing but follow suit.
I trust the gorgeous beaming star and the wise men’s apparel covered up the glitch somewhat, and that the children will carry the memory with them of that royal star . . . and why it shone.