The two pines on the left had to be reminded that they won’t be left too long looking like dead trees. Once their branches are dry, they will get their scented tufts back. Always proud of their lofty appearance, they seemed to begrudge the time I was spending, giving the leaning pine its coiffure. I could just feel it! You’ve no idea what I have to contend with in this studio.
Have you ever tried consoling a couple of pine trees? Let me tell you, it’s no easy matter.
The deciduous tree on the right is truly a very patient, selfless species. He tried to get the pines to look on the bright side.
“Take heart, noble pines!” he called out. “At least you have the warmth of the sun on your trunks.”
The pines were rude, and didn’t even acknowledge his kind words, but he paid no heed to them, as he had something more to say:
“I can’t wait to get my ‘hair’ done. When my ‘wig’ is put on, it will make the loveliest tracery of shadows on the path. Just you wait and see.”