The song sparrow says it all as she tests the water with her toe. “It’s too cold for me!”
I took her picture while sitting on the lawn swing wearing a hooded jacket and sipping on a cup of hot chocolate! Br-r-r-r! The temperature only reached 16, and the winds gusted up to 50 kph, swinging the Swiss Chalet up and down and rocking it from side to side. It truly was a Rock-a-bye baby in the treetops kind of day!
But family duties must be taken care of no matter how abnormal the weather is. Father Wren delivers some hot oatmeal porridge to little Duke Wren the 1st. That should warm him up!
“Now, you keep the covers on,” reminds Lady Wren before she exits. “I don’t want you catching a cold. Remember, Mrs. McD personally knit these afghans for you darlings.”
Well, I mustn’t take that much credit . . . but I did plant the flowers and hostas around Cedar Hollow. Lady Wren found a wilted hosta leaf or two that were just the right size to use as soft coverlets for her babies. You know, of course, that there’s no fireplace in the Swiss Chalet, so layering is the thing to do.
The prairie-sunset-false-sunflowers were playing peekaboo today by the Cedar Shake birdhouse on Black Pole Lane!
Buzz the Bumblebee doesn’t let a chill wind stop him. No, Sir! He’ll work the cone flowers until the backpacks on his legs are full and running over!
After supper, who should visit Cedar Hollow but Bar Code, the Red headed Woodpecker! He managed to squeeze into the front-yard bird feeder far enough to get a toothsome black-oil sunflower seed. He prefers to unwrap his meal on the tree trunk.
A young female cardinal, a nuthatch, and a pair of goldfinches also came in to pick up their bedtime snacks!