This week, while watering a palm that had been part of a potted arrangement several years ago, I was astonished and delighted to see amongst the fronds a sprig with tiny balls on it!

Having lived for eleven years on a semi-tropical island, the sight of palms transmits a sense of peace.
But what kind of palm was this—a date palm?

I called Sheridan’s Nursery. The clerk suggested it might be a Bella palm. Looking up photos of Bella palms on Google, I read that the Bella palm is native to the rainforests of Guatemala and southern Mexico. It thrives in bright, indirect light and produces tiny yellow flowers! The west window by the countertop in our kitchen supplies just the right light for this graceful little palm.
And speaking of palms, our son, John, who winters on Bonaire, enjoys the sight of huge palm trees around his complex—and most everywhere else—other than in the mondi (wasteland of cacti).

Many of us have recently seen large palm trees on Christmas cards which depict the magi’s visit to Bethlehem. Following a star, they had travelled from the East to worship Israel’s newborn King—the Christ child—Immanuel—God with us.
As 2023 draws to a close, I’ll be searching through my files of photos for more than the identity of little palms. Whatever is chosen will be painted in oil. I find this medium totally relaxing because any flaws can be painted over—and needed improvements are easily made. You would never guess what lies below some of my paintings—and my husband is sworn to absolute secrecy!