Bright and early this morning, the wrens were shopping for babyfood, baby wren food, that is – on the roof of the shed, among the hostas, the lilac bushes, and the trees of the forest. Fresh, mind you, following the guidelines of buying locally produced food within a one hundred-yard radius of Cedar Hollow. None of that imported stuff for their family!
A big improvement was underway at Cedar Hollow today. Our next-door neighbour had a new fence installed all the way around her yard so that her companion dog will have a place to play. He is a hefty Rottweiler, but under her loving care and guidance, is friendly and well mannered. The new fence between us is a handsome one, indeed. Its five foot height will hopefully discourage deer from getting in and chomping down the cedars. (They’ve been known to do that before!) I’m already dreaming of planting sweet peas along one section of the fence next spring!
You’re not tired of seeing bee balm, are you? Bounce the hummer isn’t! Just look at him responding to the “Come along, do” invitation its flowerlettes extend. They hold the lid of their punch bottles up high, clear out of the way of thirsty hummers.
With the overnight temperature dipping low again, you almost wish you could knit little shawls for the tiny hummers. After all, Kitchener broke a 90-year record last week with a low overnight temperature of 6.5. No doubt the hummers wished they had never left the tropical warmth of Costa Rica!
During such mind-boggling flights, I don’t think their GPS ever intones, “Recalculating.” Uh uh. Our great Creator has equipped these flying jewels, as someone aptly described them, with an unfailing navigational system the size of a pinhead . . . or half a pinhead . . . or the point of a needle . . . or . . . . . . . .